Here is a link to an engaging video created by Rev. Helen McFadyen for the EqUUal access both at GA in 2017 in New Orleans:
Month: June 2017
GA 2017 Responsive Resolution to Change the Name of Standing on the Side of Love
At the 2017 General Assembly there was a Responsive Resolution written by Rev. Theresa Ines Soto to change the name of the UUA’s flag-ship social justice campaign “Standing on the Side of Love” to something less ableist. After some debate, it passed overwhelmingly. It was an historic moment when ableism was at last recognized as something important within Unitarian Universalism. The picture on the left shows the vote of the delegates, with Theresa in the center. The picture on the right shows EqUUal Access leaders Rev. Barbara Meyers and Rev. Suzanne Fast during the debate.
EqUUal Access at General Assembly 2017
Catch EA @ GA
From gatherings to celebrations and workshops, EqUUal Access is hosting an event every day of General Assembly. See below for a complete list. Plan to join us at one of our events, or simply swing by the EqUUal Access booth #408. We’d love to get to know you!
Gathering of Disabled Religious Professionals / Religious Professionals with a Disability
Who: Disabled Religious Professionals / Religious Professionals with a Disability
What: Come for community, for food, and to begin a conversation on how we might support one another’s vocations in Unitarian Universalism. Members of all UU religious professions are welcome.
When: Wednesday, June 21 from 6:15 PM to 7:15 PM
Where: Hampton Inn & Suites, Cottonmill Room
Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry (AIM) Gathering
Who: Local AIM Teams
What: AIM Congregations gather to discuss their experiences and ways forward.
When: Thursday, June 22 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Where: Convention Center, room 213
EqUUal Access Celebration
Who: Everyone
What: Join us as we honor our sermon contest winner, two new AIM certified congregations, and those individuals who have worked for justice for our community during their lifetime.
When: Friday, June 23 from 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Where: Convention Center, room 213
The Right to Be Rescued: Climate & Disability Workshop
Who: Everyone
What: Disasters disproportionately affect people with disabilities. As the frequency and severity of disasters rises with climate change, the courts have recognized that we have a right to be rescued. Hear the stories, learn about emerging best practices, and explore how you and your congregation can be part of creating solutions.
When: Saturday, June 24 from 3:15 PM – 4:30 PM
Where: Convention Center, room 433
2017 Sermon Award Winner!

Congratulations, Kimberley!
Dr. Kimberley Jackson’s sermon, Disability, Identity, and the Circle of Life, has been selected as the winner of the 2017 EqUUal Access Sermon Contest! The sermon will be honored as part of the EqUUal Access Celebration at General Assembly in New Orleans. You can read the sermon and find out more about Dr. Jackson on our Sermons page under the Resources tab.
Information for submitting a sermon for consideration for the 2108 Sermon Contest will be posted here when available!