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UPDATE: AIM in Pandemic times:
Nothing could have prepared the world for the upheaval we would all face in 2020. We learned how fragile life can be, especially for those who are most vulnerable. It has become abundantly clear that every voice matters and needs to be heard.
EqUUal Access helps to amplify the voices of people with disabilities in UU congregations. We are presently working out how best to carry this mission forward, including with our signature program, Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry (AIM).
We know we must be flexible and allow the work to evolve. Through this period of renewal and revitalization, the AIM program will not be processing any new applications.
We will continue to work one-to-one with congregations already in the AIM Program. We ask for your patience while this work is completed.
Please contact the AIM Administrator for information and suggestions for on-line engagement. aim@uua.org