There are many things congregations can do to increase their accessibility for disabled UUs. One project involves your church’s website. Making sure that your website has the valuable information people are looking for shows that your congregation has put the effort and care into updating and maintaining your site for disabled UUs. This project can be found by clicking this link.
Another, is our worksheet project. The following documents are designed to help your congregation address accessibility for disabled UUs in and around your building. Each topic has a short checklist based on building requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) signed into law in 1990. The ADA does not, however, extend to churches or places of worship with a few exceptions. If you would like the ADA description, read more HERE. EqUUal Access and the UUA encourage congregations to go beyond ADA requirements for accessibility and work to dismantle ableism in our communities. It takes effort and consistency to create this lasting change.
To further this process, Some things for consideration are included on each topic. These questions are for you to share; share with your committee, with other committees, on social media, in your eNews, and anywhere in your congregation that conversations are happening. We have provided these resources for any congregation, whether you are in the AIM Program, considering it, or interested in a specific topic at the moment. Completing any or all of these worksheets will move your congregational accessibility forward towards greater inclusion for disabled UUs.
Group 1 Reviewed February 2024