We would love for you to participate in our multimedia projects! When you do, be sure to provide us with a release so we can use your material. You can download EA-AIM Media Release and submit it with your photo, video, or audio clip by emailing them to info@equualaccess.org
The Anti-Ableism Photo Shoot is still open!
We took a lot of great images at the “anti-ableism photo shoot” at General Assembly in New Orleans (sneak peek below), but want to keep offering the opportunity for people to contribute. Here’s how it works: using the definition of Ableism below, submit a photo or short video or audio recording file that represents your personal Unitarian Universalist response. By submitting an image or recording, you are 1) avowing you have received permission of those represented or portrayed in the media, for its public use and display without remuneration; 2) granting permission to AIM/EqUUal Access for exclusive and full use of the image or recording. Please send BY EMAIL ONLY to aim@uua.org and include your full name and the name and location of your UU congregation, as well as a short description of the image or recording you are submitting. Be sure to include a signed EA-AIM Media Release!
Ableism: Based on the belief that disability is a defect rather than a dimension of human diversity, the term is used to describe the discrimination against, and the exclusion of, individuals with disabilities from full participation in available community options, such as employment, housing, and recreation. Ableism affects those with disabilities by inhibiting their access to and power within institutional structures that fulfill needs, like health care, housing, government, education, religious communities, the media, and the legal system.
What is your response to ableism?